Our nation is gripped by the events that unfolded this week at Virginia Tech. Indeed it feels as though another part of our innocence has died. I have not been feeling quite like myself, realizing that my heart grieves for that community. I cannot imagine the horror and fear that those students and their families are feeling. My heart also grieves for the family of the one who perpetuated the violence. I cannot imagine the pain and questioning they are experiencing.
In a world that seems bent on violence and war, we often grieve events such as this. What is the role of faith in the midst of grief like this? Where is God in the midst of times like this? God is found through the power of peace. However, we must be mindful that peace begins with each of us. God sent Jesus to earth, not so that he would die, rather that Jesus would live and in turn teach us to live! God yearns for us to live with the abundance that comes from the peace that we experience with God.
It is not hard to see that peace has been shattered in Blacksburg, Virginia. The peace that college students existed in is gone. Cho Seung-hui was not at peace. If we are honest, there are times in our own lives where we do not feel at peace either. Hear the good news of our faith: We are Easter people. We are in the season where we celebrate that light overcomes darkness, that life overcomes death and yes, peace overcomes violence.
I offer the words of Frederick Buechner: "Resurrection means that the worst thing is never the last thing." May it be so for those in Virginia, and may it be so for you.
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